
Star Trek Adventures RPG Strange New Worlds Mission Compendium 2

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Product Details
Brand: Modiphius
UPC: 9781912743469
Cover: Hardback
PDF: Often supplied by the publisher (contact to check).
Item Type: RPG
Theme: Star Trek
Genre: Sci-Fi

Strange New Worlds: Mission Compendium Volume 2 presents nine ready-to-play missions for Star Trek Adventures. Within this book Gamemasters will find the means to test their Starfleet officers while encountering a variety of strange new worlds and the lifeforms they contain.

Strange New Worlds follows on from the success of the first adventure compendium These Are the Voyages, and provides gamers with missions from the Enterprise, Original Series, and Next Generation eras.

Strange New Worlds Contents:

  • Solve the mystery of a viral plague among a population of aliens
  • Explore an ancient doomsday seed vault on a barren, ice-covered world
  • Investigate strange events in and around a massive ancient ‘skyhook’ gathering resources from a gas giant
  • Determine how two separate species might have been caught together in an extinction-level event
  • Visit a strange disk made of hyperdense matter and attempt to survive the diversions it offers
  • Defuse a potentially violent situation on a neutral pilgrimage world
  • Encounter a renegade Ferengi on a planet with a sentient ocean
  • Respond to a distress signal from a doomed Vulcan expeditionary team
  • Determine why a research facility in the Cardassian demilitarized zone has suddenly fallen silent

Note: This book requires the Star Trek Adventures core rulebook to use.

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