
What is a PDF file?

The PDF file is the digital version of the physical book we are listing for sale. It may be included complimentary with your physical book as a download when you make your purchase, or it may not. The item listing will advise you either way.

Why don't some listings include a PDF?

It is the choice of the publisher, not Dungeonland, whether a PDF will be included with a listing of the physical book. Some publishers are happy to include a complimentary PDF and other publishers prefer it to be sold as a separate entity to the physical purchase. We have no say in the matter either way.

How can I find out which books include a PDF?

Click to visit our roleplaying games category. Click the drop down arrow where it says 'Refine By' and you can now edit your search. At the bottom of the list is a header that says PDF and beneath that you will see three options you can choose to display. Choose your option that interests you and then click on the item you would like.

  • Not supplied by Dungeonland.
  • This means that no PDF is included with the book when you purchase at Dungeonand. It also means we believe that this publisher may not supply you one either. It is likely the PDF must be purchased separate to the physical copy, though some publishers may offer it at a discounted price if you show proof of purchase. You'll need to ask the publisher themselves.
  • Often supplied by the publisher (contact to check).
  • The purchase will not include a PDF from Dungeonland. However, this is a publisher with a track record of supplying complimentary PDF files for books when shown proof of purchase. We still advise you contact them first to check before you make a purchase if the PDF is important to you.
  • Supplied by Dungeonland.
  • In most cases we'll make the PDF available for you to download as soon as your purchase is made. The download will be available direct from us and will stay on your account so you can redownload it anytime in the future. There is no limit to the number of downloads and no expiry to the order. In some cases, this may mean the code is included within the book itself and may be downloaded from a third party website.

What is the Bricks and Mortar scheme?

The Bricks and Mortar scheme is a program setup by a number of publishers to help support brick and mortar stores that have an actual physical location, a shop on the High Street that they trade from. To drive traffic to those stores the scheme allows them to give away a complimentary PDF file with a purchase of a physical book. That is as long as the book is published by a publisher that is part of the scheme and also as long as the book is sold at the recommended retail price.

Is Dungeonland part of the Bricks and Mortar scheme?

No we are not. We are an online store only and do not have a physical bricks and mortar location that is open for the public to visit, and a physical shop is a requirement to be part of the scheme. Even were we to open one, it would not change the Dungeonland website. The scheme is in place to drive traffic to the physical store on the High Street to give it support and that is where the files should be distributed, it is not intended to boost online store sales over competitors. As our products are all discounted, this would also be a problem, as the scheme requires the item to be sold at RRP (without any discounts). We have no plans at present to open a physical shop location or raise our prices to the required level.

Why do I have to waive my consent to the 14-day cooling off period with a PDF file?

All our items that do not include a PDF file, just a physical product, come with a 14-day cooling off period. You can buy the physical item, and return the physical item, should you change your mind. With a PDF file you are receiving a digital product and this product is supplied to you immediately on purchase for download. For this reason, it is not returnable as an unwanted item and the order cannot be cancelled. If the physical product is faulty it may be returned under the terms of our Returns & Refunds page. If there is a physical product you would like to buy from us that includes a PDF but you would rather keep your 14-day cooling off period please contact us and wait for us to respond before purchasing. We can remove the PDF from the item listing allowing you to purchase the item with the 14-day cooling off period intact.

Will I get the latest version of the PDF with my order?

We do our best to keep PDF files up to date with what the publisher is currently providing. At times though, it is possible we may have an older file on record. If you believe a later version of a PDF is available just contact us and we will contact the publisher to get our records updated. We are not able to guarantee the latest file at all times as we are reliant on the publishers response and it is at their discretion what they choose or do not choose to provide us with.

How long will my PDF be available for?

As long as we continue to list the item in our store, the PDF will remain available for you to download and can be downloaded unlimited times. However, it is worth noting that from time to time we discontinue product ranges and remove listings. When this happens the file will no longer be available to you from us. For this reason, we recommend you download the PDF file soon as it becomes available to you. We are not able to guarantee the availability of the file download on an ongoing basis after the time of purchase has passed.

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